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How Next Level Whitetail Got It's Start

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Next Level Whitetail has came a long way from just being an idea in my head, to here writing my first blog on our brand new website. I could ramble on about how I've always know this is what I've wanted to do and how everything is falling into place just like it should, but then I'd be lying. I will say I've always dreamed about making money in the outdoor industry doing what I love, but that is the only thing the idea ever was- a dream. Until last weekend at the Wisconsin Deer and Turkey Expo, I got the chance to talk to the guys from the Whitetail Adrenaline crew. First off let me tell you these guys are a class act and the real deal. If you haven't seen their DVD's yet I strongly suggest you check them out, some of (if not the best) hunting DVD's in the outdoor industry. But as I talked to Jared, (founder of Whitetail Adrenaline) my buddy said to him, "So you've basically refused to grow up and said you know what? I'm gonna deer hunt the rest of my life and not work." Jared's response was, "Yeah I'd say that that's pretty accurate." That got me thinking of ways I could follow in his footsteps, and here we are today. Remarkably, that was only five days ago we had that conversation with Jared. I kinda got the idea and just ran with it. So far everything has came together nicely and I couldn't be more pleased with the progress made so far. I hope things continue to run smoothly and we start to develop some sort of a fan base. As for now, I'll continue to write my daily blogs. I just wanna say thank you to Jared for this idea, without the conversation I had with him no of this would have came about.

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