It Never Ends
Whitetail season is a very unique season. It requires year round preparation for one to be consistantly successful. Whitetail season essentially never ends. From springtime and shed hunting, to putting food plots in, hanging sets, checking trail cameras, and dialing in your bow, an arguement could be made that whitetail season truely is 365 days a year. I have always taken every opportunity I can find to learn something new about whitetails. I've found that shed hunting is a great tool to do this. Regardless if you find any sheds or not, you get to be in the woods where you hunt and see the trails deer used last fall, as well as their food sources and water sources. Of course finding actual sheds leaves you great clues as to the whereabouts of your next possible hit list buck, but there are other lessons to be taken away from shed hunting. And this isn't the only time of year to learn something about your whitetail woods. In fact anytime you step foot on the property you can hunt can give you clues as to what deer are doing and it can make you a better hunter. Although some people may consider putting in food plots and checking cameras as "chores" I've always thought of doing these things as a great opportunity to learn something new. Make sure to take a moment the next time you are in the woods and try to learn something new about the deer you are hunting. It may seem insignificant at the time, but over time you will stockpile a great deal of knowledge and lead yourself to be a better hunter in the future.