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The 2nd Rut?

To be completely honest the 2nd rut has always been kind of a mystery to me. I mean the facts are simple, any doe not bread during the first rut will cycle back into estrus 23 to 30 days later- the "2nd" rut. Also yearling fawns will typically come into estrus around the same time. But if you are like me, I've paid my dues in the treestand come this time of the year waiting for some awesome rutting activty. No doubt big deer have been killed this time of year. (Which is typically December 1-10 in Illinois) But have these kills been a direct result of the 2nd rut? Yes, some probably have been but there's too many variables to narrow down a for sure answer on most kills. Unlike the first rut where bucks are only focused on does, the second rut has bucks somewhat focused on does, as well as many other factors. You see, the rut is triggered by the length of the day. As the days shorten, bucks know it's getting to be the time of year to breed. Thats how they're programmed. So as they go through the first rut and days continue to shorten, they know when the rut should be over and when winter sets in. Typically after peak rut, bucks switch all their attention back to surviving. After a hard couple of weeks of rutting action, their bodies are in the worst shape they will be in all year. When this happens, bucks switch all their attention back to food. Typically this time of year brings colder weather along with snow. This causes bucks to go even further into survival mode. This is why I am not a believer in the second rut. Bucks are trying to stay alive this time of year some does are cycling back into estrus. Now I'm not saying I don't think some breeding happens during the second rut, because it deffinitely does. Does are going to get breed at some point during the season and no doubt some of these are going to be the second time they come into estrus. What I'm saying is I don't think it is worth your time to wait for rutting activity in "rut spots." I have, and I believe you will have better luck by sitting over a good food source this time of year. Bucks NEED to eat this time of year. If you want to increase your luck during this time of the season, ignore the talk of the 2nd rut and go sit over a proven late season food source. (Or use your best judgement to find one) Granted all this talk about the 2nd rut is dependent on doe to buck ratio as well. A doe to buck ratio that is too high will decrease rutting activity all year. But if you are lucky enough to have a buck to doe ratio that is relatively even, you could be in for some 2nd rut action. But I'd be skeptical to count on it.

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